![]() The Scottish Housing Regulator has today (Friday 29 August) released the first Landlord Reports for every Scottish social landlord. It has also made available a new national online comparison tool. This gives tenants and landlords a wider range of accessible performance information than ever before. The Regulator's new reports set out how Scotland's social landlords are performing against the Scottish Social Housing Charter in the areas tenants told the Regulator matter most: homes and rents, quality and maintenance, neighbourhoods, tenant satisfaction and value for money. From today, tenants and landlords can read standardised performance reports about each of Scotland's social landlords. They can also use graphs and charts to compare one landlord's performance against a national average and up to four other landlords. The Regulator is also making available all the charter data submitted by all Scottish social landlords. ![]() Kay Blair (pictured), Chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator, said: "Publishing these reports is about empowering thousands of tenants across Scotland with information which affects their quality of life. It may be the rent they pay; how quickly repairs are made or how effectively reports of anti-social behaviour are dealt with – what matters is tenants can access good information quickly to allow them to hold their landlord to account. "Our new reports are accessible and focus on the areas that matter most to tenants. We expect landlords to share their Landlord Report with their tenants. Our online tool allows tenants to make quick comparisons against other landlords. "We will also follow these reports with our national analysis of the performance figures later this year. For social housing to go from strength-to-strength there needs to be open dialogue between tenants and landlords. Today's launch creates the ideal trigger to help continue these conversations." The Regulator's reports use data landlords submitted through their Annual Return on the Charter (ARC). The Regulator's Landlord Report and comparison tool are available on its website. You can open ANCHO's page with this direct link: http://www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/find-and-compare-landlords/ancho-ltd The report is available to download below and we will publish more information in our next newsletter. ![]()
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