Every year we review how much rent you pay. We look at the money spent over the past year and calculate how much we will need to invest in our homes and run our services for the coming year, whilst striving to keep our rent remains affordable.
We recognise that many of you are facing ongoing financial pressures due to the cost-of-living crisis. Whilst inflation rates have eased these take time to be reflected in household bills and we are very mindful of this, whilst also having to be realistic about our operating costs. Over recent years the costs of providing our services have risen considerably, with some costs rising by over 25% but we have held rent increases below inflation. Ancho is a not-for-profit charity which exists to provide good quality homes at affordable rents. We strive to keep rents as low as possible and try to minimise costs but ultimately most of Ancho’s income comes from rents. This year, we are proposing a rent increase of 3.9%. This is the minimum we can afford that will still allow us to maintain our services to you, such as carrying out repairs, and making improvements to your home. There are several challenges when trying to set the annual rent increase - these include:
Other Charges If you pay a heating charge or service charge, then your new charge will be confirmed in February before any changes are applied on 1 April 2025. What happens next? The Board will be meeting in January 2025 to look at your feedback and make a final decision. We will write to you to let you know the outcome. We will give you at least 28 days’ notice before the new rent is applied on 1 April 2025. We would like to hear your views on the proposed rent increase. Please email [email protected], fill out our online form, submit your comment in writing, or give us a call on 0800 990 3405. The consultation will close on 24th December 2024. If you are experiencing financial problems, then our dedicated income team are here to help. The sooner we know, the sooner we can help. Please get in touch
Ayrshire College are running a series of FREE community courses for those looking to return to the workplace. Courses are run flexibly to meet the needs of learners and are held face to face. You can find the court list below. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Voting is now open for the proposed transfer of engagements to Cairn Housing Association!
Look out for your bright pink voting envelope as you need this to make your voice heard. Once you have your voting slip, you can vote online, by text, by post, or by dropping your polling card in one of the ballot boxes. Our team will also be out and about to remind everyone, so be sure to cast your vote! Let's shape our future together— Vote Yes, every vote counts! Later this week you should get your Stage 2 Notice from us, which is the next step on the proposed transfer to Cairn Housing Association. You can read the letter here: ![]()
We are looking to find out what your opinions are on the proposed transfer and how you are likely to vote. You can fill in this online form or use the prepaid return envelope in your letter.
We have written to all tenants with an update on the proposed transfer to Cairn. Letters should arrive with you all later in the week but you can read it here in the meantime. ![]()
We'd also love to know what you think about the proposed transfer. Please fill in this short online survey to tell us what you think. You have until the 21st June to fill it in.
We are in the process of transitioning over to a new housing management system.
This shouldn't affect you but it will mean that your rent balance won't be updated in the My Ancho portal this week. Everything should be back to normal next week. If you have any queries about your rent balance in the meantime, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or by calling 0800 990 3405. ANCHO and CAIRN HOUSING ASSOCIATION Cairn Housing Group is a national provider of housing services operating across 24 local authority areas throughout Scotland. We are a strong business with a clear social purpose, 4,500 homes under management, have an annual group turnover of over £25m and are registered social landlords (RSL’s) with the Scottish Housing Regulator. We are looking for Board Members of both the parent organisation, Cairn Housing Association, and Ancho, our registered social landlord subsidiary in North Ayrshire. This is an exciting time to join our RSL Boards with a proposed transfer of engagements of Ancho into Cairn in 2025, new build development, implementation of a new Business Plan, IT systems and net zero initiatives, as well as ambitious plans for our commercial subsidiary Pentland Community Enterprises. Cairn and Ancho are both led by experienced Boards which have overall responsibility for governance and strategic direction. As part of our succession planning, we are seeking to recruit new Members who have a real desire and interest in helping our ambitious organisations achieve their aims and objectives and contribute towards business growth, service excellence and good governance.
Skills and experience in housing management, customer service, finance/accounting, property/development, health & safety, IT, business or wider role/community benefit would be particularly welcomed, as would applications from current tenants. As a voluntary position it will not be remunerated but travel and other expenses for attendance at meetings are reimbursed in line with our Group Entitlements, Payment and Benefits Policy. You will need to commit to attending up to nine meetings per year, plus an annual Strategy Day and a Development Day, (these can be virtual/hybrid or in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Irvine or Inverness). To assist in your role you will receive a laptop, email account and IT support to facilitate attendance at virtual meetings. As part of our succession and development approach we encourage and support Board members to commit to personal development through induction, mentoring, training, seminars and conferences or study visits and involvement in working groups across the Cairn Group. We are committed to improving equality and diversity on our Boards and we welcome applications from all sections of the community, particularly under-represented groups and women with relevant skills and experience. If you wish to discuss this matter informally or for further details and an Application Pack please contact: Carolyn Owens, Governance Services Manager, on 0800 990 3405, email: [email protected] or write to us at Cairn Housing Association, Bellevue House, 22 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4GH. Closing date for applications is Monday 18 March 2024. It is anticipated that informal interviews will be held 25/26 March 2024. Visit our website at www.cairnha.com for more information. The North Ayrshire Register (NAHR) landlords are currently reviewing their Allocation Policy and would like to gain your views on the questions in the survey below.
The North Ayrshire Housing Allocation Policy is the set of rules by which the landlords who take part in the North Ayrshire Housing Register (NAHR) have jointly agreed to let their houses. The NAHR landlords are:
The policy ensure that we comply with the law, but the partners want to consult with applicants, tenants, residents and other stakeholders to help influence the policy. To give us your views, please complete the survey at https://forms.office.com/e/dR44W47ZxA The closing date for responses is 21 January 2024. The questions in this survey are based on feedback from NAHR partners so far from their knowledge and experience of letting homes in North Ayrshire. If you have any other areas, you feel need reviewed, space has been provided within the questionnaire for you to feedback on them too. |
What can you do online? | Request a Repair | Make a Payment | Apply for Housing | We Care, Please Share | Report Antisocial Behaviour | Contact Us |
Contact UsAncho
Sovereign House, Academy Road, Irvine, KA12 8RL |
Opening hoursMonday to Friday, 9am - 4pm
The office is open to visitors on Monday and Thursday, 9am - 4pm. Please contact us to make an appointment if you'd like to see a member of staff outwith our office opening times, or call or email anytime. |
Company InformationRegistered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014
No 2559R(S) Scottish Housing Regulator No 306 Recognised as a Scottish Charity No SC036082 Registered property factor PF000346 |